Dansk Kræftforskningsfond – uddelinger 2018

Dansk Kræftforsknings­fond støtter særligt unge forskere, der starter nye forsk­nings­pro­jek­ter. I 2018 uddelte fonden 3.989.000 kroner. Se modtagerne her.

Dansk Kræft­forsk­nings­fond støt­ter sær­ligt un­ge for­ske­re, der star­ter nye forsk­nings­pro­jek­ter. I 2018 ud­del­te fon­den 3.989.000 kro­ner. Se mod­ta­ger­ne her.

Ka­ro­lin Voßgröne250.000BRICUn­ra­vel­ling new tu­mor sup­pres­sor can­di­da­tes through fun­ctio­nal screening
Dr Ru­ne Hasselager250.000Ze­aland Uni­ver­si­ty Ho­spi­tal Roskil­de og KøgeIm­pact of vo­la­ti­le in­ha­la­tio­nal ana­est­he­sia, cor­ti­coste­roids and re­gio­nal ner­ve blo­cks on can­cer recur­ren­ce in pa­tients un­der­go­ing sur­ge­ry for col­orectal can­cer: A Da­nish Po­pu­la­tion Ba­sed Co­hort Study
Lau­ra Toussaint250.000Aar­hus Uni­ver­si­ty HospitalRe­ducing cog­ni­ti­ve im­pair­ments fol­lowing cra­ni­al ir­ra­di­a­tion of child­hood can­cer through the use of pro­ton therapy
Dr Ma­rie Lou­i­se Holm Milo250.000Aar­husThe risk of ra­di­o­t­he­ra­py in­du­ced heart di­sea­se in wo­men tre­a­ted for ear­ly sta­ge breast cancer
Li­se Ahlborn250.000Rigs­ho­spi­ta­letNon-in­va­si­ve mo­ni­tor­ing of per­so­na­lized can­cer tre­at­ment using circu­lat­ing tu­mor DNA
Dr Chri­sti­na Ma­rie Schi­øt­tz Hassing250.000Rigs­ho­spi­ta­letAd­j­u­vant tre­at­ment of breast tu­mours ≤ 10 mm – do we of­fer the ap­pro­p­ri­a­te treatment?
Na­dia Øgaard248.000Aar­hus Uni­ver­si­ty HospitalIm­ple­men­ting blood-ba­sed DNA met­hy­la­tion mar­kers for im­pro­ved po­sto­pe­ra­ti­ve ma­na­ge­ment of col­orectal can­cer patients
Sa­ra Ambjørn234.000Uni­ver­si­ty of CopenhagenCon­sequen­ces of BRCA2 breast can­cer pa­tient mutations
Tri­ne Strandgaard225.000Aar­hus Uni­ver­si­ty HospitalCom­pre­hen­si­ve ana­ly­sis of the tu­mor eco­sy­stem and ad­ja­cent nor­mal tis­sue can­ce­riza­tion for pre­di­cting re­spon­se to BCG im­mu­no­t­he­ra­py in blad­der cancer
Dr Jan­nie Dressler225.000Bis­peb­jerg HospitalPa­tient Com­pli­an­ce, Tre­at­ment Stra­te­gy, Mor­bi­di­ty and He­alth Re­la­ted Resour­ces as­so­ci­a­ted with the Da­nish Col­orectal Can­cer Scre­e­ning Program
Ma­hak Fatima225.000Uni­ver­si­ty of CopenhagenEstablis­hing RABGAP1L-NTRK1 as Novel Dri­ver and Drug Tar­get in Li­ver Cancer
Emil Thom­sen111.000Aar­hus UniversityCom­bi­na­to­ri­al geno­me-wi­de CRISPR scre­ens for iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of ge­ne net­wor­ks con­trol­ling drug re­si­stan­ce in B cell lymphoma
An­dreas En­gel Krag111.000Aar­hus Uni­ver­si­ty HospitalNy be­hand­ling ved re­kon­struk­tion ef­ter cancerkirurgi
Ca­mil­la Nielsen111.000Aar­hus UniversityGo­ing viral with on­co­ly­tic the­ra­py: an al­ter­na­ti­ve ap­pro­ach to Nr­f2-me­di­a­ted STING im­pair­ment in che­mo­re­si­stant can­cer cells
Dr Mads Jochumsen111.000Aar­hus Uni­ver­si­ty HospitalNon-in­va­siv må­ling af tu­mor­per­fu­sion med 82Rb PET i prostata
Jes­per Pedersen111.000Aar­hus UniversityIm­pro­ved im­mu­no­t­he­ra­py of me­ta­sta­tic melanoma
Dr. Liv Andrés-Jensen111.000Rigs­ho­spi­ta­letAcu­te Lymp­hobla­stic Leuke­mia Sur­vi­vor Toxi­ci­ty And Re­ha­bi­li­ta­tion (ALL-STAR) Study
Dr Elisa­beth Tolley111.000Her­lev HospitalCircu­lat­ing cell-free tu­mor DNA and me­ta­bo­li­tes in ce­re­bro­spi­nal flu­id as ear­ly bio­mar­kers of secon­dary CNS in­vol­ve­ment in dif­fu­se lar­ge B-cell lymphoma
Dr Tho­mas Buus111.000Aar­hus Uni­ver­si­ty HospitalWho­le Bo­dy MRI for Mo­ni­tor­ing Bo­ne Me­tast­a­sizing Breast Cancer
Mai­britt Nørgaard111.000Aar­hus UniversityDe­ep sequen­cing of circu­lat­ing tu­mor DNA (ctD­NA) for pre­di­ction and mo­ni­tor­ing of en­za­luta­mi­de tre­at­ment re­spon­se in ca­stra­tion re­si­stant pro­sta­te can­cer (CRPC)
Dr Tho­mas Wag­ner Nielsen111.000Ze­aland Uni­ver­si­ty HospitalProg­nostic fa­ctors for re­lap­se in pa­tients with cli­ni­cal sta­ge I testi­cu­lar cancer
Jor­ne Biccler111.000Aal­borg Uni­ver­si­ty HospitalSur­vi­val of Hod­g­kin and pri­mary cen­tral ner­vous sy­stem lymp­ho­ma pa­tients: descri­bing the evo­lu­tion of the re­la­ti­ve sur­vi­val and prog­nostic outlook
Dr Mads Sandahl111.000Aar­hus Uni­ver­si­ty HospitalRa­di­o­lo­gi­cal pre­requi­si­tes for ear­ly and ac­cu­ra­te de­tection of pro­sta­te can­cer in ge­ne­ral practice

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Serie: Gode Ramme for Gode Donationer