KR Foundation – uddelinger 2018

KR Foundation uddeler til formål inden for klimaområdet i hele verden. I 2018 har fonden uddelt 92,5 mio. kr. Se modtagerne her.

KR Fo­un­da­tion ud­de­ler til for­mål in­den for kli­ma­om­rå­det i he­le ver­den. I 2018 har fon­den ud­delt 92,5 mio. kr. Se mod­ta­ger­ne her.

C40 Cities310.017Sustainable BehaviourUSDemonstrating the potential for sustainable urban consumption
C40 Cities3.860.198Sustainable BehaviourUSC40 Thriving Cities Initiative phase 2: Unlocking sustainable urban consumption
Children's Radio Foundation3.360.918Sustainable BehaviourZAYouth radio dialogues on climate change and sustainable livelihoods across Africa
Climate Outreach2.066.456Sustainable BehaviourUKGlobal climate change narratives: Enabling a new conversation across the Arabic-speaking worlds.
Forum for the Future2.650.578Sustainable BehaviourUKCatalysing and scaling sustainable behaviour change - Developing the hot or cool network
Global Action Plan UK3.099.179Sustainable BehaviourUKBoiling Frogs - Getting Generation Netflix to jump out of the pan
GreenFaith4.951.215Sustainable BehaviourUSLiving the change - 2019/2020
Institute of Development Studies3.947.213Sustainable BehaviourUKThe Rapid Transition Alliance
Institute of Development Studies537.031Sustainable BehaviourUKSelling less: A rapid transition task force on making consumption pathways for 1.5 degrees politically imaginable and possible
One Earth3.000.000Sustainable BehaviourCABeacon for sustainable living
Sustainable Markets Foundation3.471.048Sustainable BehaviourUSClinical interventions for transformative change: A capacity-building initiative
United Charitable, fiscal sponsor of DearTomorrow100.000Sustainable BehaviourUSDearTomorrow
Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy4.949.861Sustainable BehaviourDEThe sustainable lifestyles accelerator – Catalyzing change (SLA)
2° Investing Initiative3.350.000Sustainable FinanceFREmpowering retail investors to divest from fossil fuels
BankTrack1.637.457Sustainable FinanceNLFossil banks, no thanks! Ending bank finance for the fossil fuel industry
Carbon Tracker Initiative Limited2.000.000Sustainable FinanceUKCore funding support
Ceres, Inc.2.500.000Sustainable FinanceUSClimate Action 100+: Investors driving corporate action
Chatham House1.396.673Sustainable FinanceUKMainstreaming climate and environment in finance ministries - 2018
E3G Third Generation Environmentalism1.919.395Sustainable FinanceUKReformers to transformers: Transforming international public banks to drive sustainable development and deliver the Paris Agreement
European Climate Foundation1.500.000Sustainable FinanceNLAligning the WEO with an ambitious interpretation of the Paris goals
InfluenceMap2.006.480Sustainable FinanceUKEnabling asset owners to drive well below 2° portfolio alignment
Market Forces1.110.000Sustainable FinanceAUAsian finance campaign capacity
Oil Change International5.197.234Sustainable FinanceUSThe global oil supply initiative
Overseas Development Institute (ODI)2.800.000Sustainable FinanceUKInternational campaign - Eliminating subsidies to fossil fuel production: Analysis, advocacy, and outreach 2018-20
ShareAction1.435.499Sustainable FinanceUKERIN: The European Responsible Investment Network – Arming, unifying, and amplifying civil society in Europe
Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford2.000.025Sustainable FinanceUKMainstreaming high ambition best practice in sustainable finance and investment
WWF European Policy Office1.860.000Sustainable FinanceBEMoving Europe’s utilities and finance actors beyond coal
Climate Action Network - International1.000.000Other InterventionsDECAN international programs
Climate Action Network - International1.300.000Other InterventionsDEStrengthening civil society on the implications of geoengineering
Climate Action Network Europe2.000.000Other InterventionsBEStrengthening Europe's global climate leadership through adequate action at home
Climate Tracker1.413.514Other InterventionsAUData-backed journalism program
European Climate Foundation4.000.000Other InterventionsNLGSCC - Strategic climate communications: Accelerating Paris Agreement implementation
European Climate Foundation218.104Other InterventionsNLNew Economic Paradigm Platform
European Climate Foundation3.900.000Other InterventionsNLShaping the debate on geoengineering through strategic communications support and intelligence
GreenFaith1.300.000Other InterventionsUSPlaying God? Multi-faith responses to the prospect of climate engineering
Institute for Inclusive and Sustainable Economies2.397.265Other InterventionsDECampaigning for policy making beyond growth
New Economy Organisers Network2.513.487Other InterventionsUKFraming the economy - Phase two
New Venture Fund151.250Other InterventionsUSThe emerging alignment of finance with spiritual and ethical considerations 2nd REIL roundtable on Laudato Si’: Nature society markets October 9, 2018
Stockholm Environment Institute U.S.500.000Other InterventionsUSThe fossil fuel production gap report
Swiss Philanthropy Foundation2.800.000Other InterventionsCHPartners for a new economy 2018-2019
Transport & Environment2.000.000Other InterventionsBETransport & environment 2019-2020 core grant

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