Rambøll Fonden– uddelinger 2018

Rambøll Fonden støtter uddannelsesmæssige formål, nødhjælp og egne medarbejdere. I 2018 uddelte fonden således 15 mio. kr. Se projekterne her.

Ram­bøll Fon­den støt­ter ud­dan­nel­ses­mæs­si­ge for­mål, nød­hjælp og eg­ne me­d­ar­bej­de­re. I 2018 ud­del­te fon­den så­le­des 15 mio. kr. Se pro­jek­ter­ne her.

Danish Center for Architecture (DAC)1.000.000SDG11Dashboard
Aalborg Universitarium/Aalborg Science Center100.000Support for the campaign “Watch Out", promoting natural sciences to school children
Martin Kielland4.000Life Beneath the Surface, photo exhibition on marine life
Start NTNU Norway39.264Green Entrepreneurship, conference with the vision to encourage and inspire students to be innovative
Municipality of Aarhus50.000Next generation Smart City at Internet Week Denmark
Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl, Germany755.710PhD on Generative approaches to digital terrain modelling
Danish Fashion lnstitute750.000The Innovations Forum - Bringing sustainable solutions and the production of clothing items together
Rambøll Danmark A/S567.628PhD: Explosion loads of glass in facades
Rambøll Norge AS790.359New centre for fire research, Norway (five-year period)
DTU Space100.000Upgrading and automatization of geomagnetic observatories
Rambøll Danmark A/S485.000Liveability in the Built Environment - Ramboll & CBS Partnership
Copenhagen Business School2.236.978Support for Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (CSEI) (five-year period)
Rambøll Danmark A/S419.733PhD: Acoustic Virtual Reality in buildings design
Rambøll Danmark A/S300.000PhD: Determination of wind load on high rise buildings using CFD
Rambøll Danmark A/S610.000PhD: Integrated numerical solution for ULS- and SLS analyse of reinforced concrete structures
ATV - the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences250.000ATV Science & Engineering Project, Phase II
UNLEASH1.000.000UNLEASH Innovation Lab
Anonymous149.284Staff well-being (support to employees in difficult circumstances)
Anonymous236.350Staff well-being (support to employees in difficult circumstances)
Ramboll's Humanitarian Association45.000Hearing aids and other equipment for school for the heanng impaired on Sri Lanka
Ramboll's Humanitarian Association60.000Sanitation improvements at school in Arusha, Tanzania
SOS Children's Villages134.834Securing homes and health in SOS children's village, Zanzibar (With EWB (DK))
Rambøll Danmark A/S600.000Hannemann's Park
Human Practice Foundation1.128.361Electricity and clean water at three schools in the Taplejung district of Nepal
Engineers Without Borders (EWB), DK494.413Access to water, sanitation and sustainable energy for young persons with disabilities in Kenema, Sierra Leone
Ramboll Sweden AB & Red Cross844.274Scaling-up safe drinking-water supply in refugee camps of Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh
Filmbureauet ApS325.000Day Zero 41, film on the importance of water, filmed in Cape Town in South Africa
Ramboll UK ltd.59.102Structural design support for Kibuye Eye Hospital, Burundi
Haugesund Rotifunk, Norway330.000Solar energy for Hatfield Archer Memorial Hospital in Rotifunk, Sierra Leone (with EWB (N))
C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group1.000.000The Beneftts and Avoided Damages of Adapting to Extreme Heat
Ramboll Environ Singapore Pte. Ltd.8.166Participation in UNLEASH Singapore
DTU Byg200.000The Mystery of Salt Weathering - a Challenge for the Consultants

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Serie: Gode Ramme for Gode Donationer